What I'm currently…

Some notes on what I’m currently listening to, reading, and thinking about (see the archives for entries from 2023 and 2022).

What I’m reading shouldn’t be considered as recommendations—indeed, I often don’t enjoy them and don’t finish them. However, what I’m listening to definitely can be considered as recommendations.

For what I’m listening to, I typically link to YouTube for the songs—for lack of a better option. I highly suggest using the uBlock Origin browser extension (and the Firefox browser).

There is also a YouTube playlist of all the songs referred to below.

June, 2024

Listening to


  • Richard Powers - Plowing the Dark
    I feel like I should have really liked this — it has topics that I am interested in like tech and virtual reality and it was written by an author with tech credentials (including being referred to in one of my favourite non-fiction books, The Friendly Orange Glow). But I didn’t really like it, and instead found it to be a bit of a slog. I actually enjoyed the non-tech storyline in the book quite a lot more.
  • Kent Haruf - Eventide
    This was wonderful, a perfect read over a chilly and grey Melbourne weekend. I have talked about Kent Haruf before — I really enjoy his writing and characters, and this was close to the best of his that I have read. Sure, the characters are pretty much caricatures, but I find that to be enough in his work; somehow they fit with the world that is built. The McPheron brothers are particularly great.

Thinking about

  • As part of my ongoing efforts to improve my programming practices, I have been paying more attention to logging. I have just been using the standard logging module in Python and, once I have become used to its quirks, I am finding it very useful (I think I would learn a lot just by reviewing the documentation for modules in the standard library now and then — whenever I do, I become aware of so much that I hadn’t realised was there or had forgotten about). It is kind of like commenting in that it can also express intention at a particular point in the code. Something that I would really like, but have not yet worked out how to do, is to be able to have multiple ‘panes’ in a terminal window that are connected to different loggers; e.g., an ERROR logger at the top, a WARNING logger in the middle, and an INFO logger at the bottom. Otherwise, I find it hard to notice the different event types when they are mixed together. I think rich might be able to handle that (I should look more into rich in general, actually).
  • I am nearly fully recovered from the (rib) injury that kept me from running properly for about six weeks or so. It is great to be able to run unencumbered by anything again, other than the reduction in fitness that has occurred over the injury period. To try to quantify that reduction in fitness, I did a guided lactate threshold test on my watch on June 1. This estimated my lactate threshold as being reached at a heart rate of 163 bpm or a pace of 4:00 min/km. This can be compared with an estimate a few weeks prior to injury (April 8), which had a heart rate of 164 bpm or a pace of 3:54 min/km. According to this metric, at least, the reduction in fitness doesn’t seem to be too bad. The lactate threshold test is interesting in itself — it reminds me of adaptive methods in psychophysics experiments, where the properties of future trials are selected online to maximise the informativeness of parameter estimation. Indeed, the definition of the lactate threshold as the ‘elbow’ or ‘knee’ in a function that relates effort to lactate also reminds me of equivalent noise functions. Back to running: I think I will enter the half-marathon at the Sri Chinmoy Winter Running Festival in July. I ran it last year and really enjoyed it.
  • I have recently released pylater (as part of my work at MDAP), which is a Python library for working with the LATER model of reaction times — particularly for analysis using Bayesian methods. One part of this that I particularly enjoyed working on was implementing a specific figure type that is typically used in LATER modelling: where the horizontal axis is scaled according to the negative reciprocal of time and the vertical axis is scaled according to a probit transform of probability. This involved thinking carefully about scales in figures, which I had been more cursory about in the past, and their customisation in Matplotlib. Indeed, my fondness for Matplotlib continues to grow as I work with these more complex elements; see the code for details of how I used Matplotlib to implement the LATER plots.

May, 2024

Listening to

All new music, for a change — each is still being digested.

  • Cindi Lee - All I Want Is You
    Starting to get over-hyped, but their album Diamond Jubilee (complete with throwback GeoCities website!) is really good. It is very long and I struggle to get through it in one sitting, in part because I keep wanting to re-play this particular track (which actually reminds me a bit of one of my favourite The Mountain Goats songs, Going To Queens). I also really like the opening track. I think it will be good running music, and I’m looking forward to listening to it all the way through during my next long run.
  • Four Tet - Loved
    I get very strong, and enjoyable, DJ Shadow vibes from this track — the opener from their new album, Three. I have followed most albums from Four Tet over the years (and often put them on while working), but still like his 2003 album Rounds the most. Incidentally, I get a lot of nostalgia from that album’s Wikipedia page in seeing that he used the software AudioMulch in its creation — I used to play around with that amazing software (created in Melbourne, actually) when I was a teenager. Also, I have only now realised that the album version of Unspoken doesn’t actually have a sample from Tori Amos’ great song Winter — it just sounds like it. Apparently he wasn’t able to get clearance to use the intact sample, but that version is floating around. But Slow Jam is still the best — particularly the squeeze toy.
  • Iron & Wine - Sweet Talk
    Iron & Wine is a bit of a target for lazy inference; immense beard, acoustic guitar, varying degrees of fidelity, hushed vocals can make it easy to write off the music as trite and forgettable (for example, see this insipid retrospective of Our Endless Numbered Days from the usually-excellent Stereogum). I really enjoy a lot of his music though — there aren’t many who do ‘wistful’ better, and I’m a big fan of wistful. I lost a bit of interest in his mid-career period, but really liked his previous album Beast Epic (e.g., About A Bruise). But his early work was definitely the best (e.g., Southern Anthem, Sodom, South Georgia, Passing Afternoon, Flightless Bird, American Mouth), particularly his In The Reins EP with Calexico (e.g., 16, Maybe Less, Dead Man’s Will). I’m not completely sold on this new album (yet, maybe), but compiling these together makes me realise the strength of his overall catalogue. Incidentally, I have a vivid and excellent memory from when seeing Iron & Wine at the Manning Bar in Sydney in 2008 of him opening the show with the nearly 10-minute epic (and close to his best song) The Trapeze Swinger — what an opener.


Only two this month — still working through a couple of longer novels.

  • Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep
    After trying a few times, thought I’d pick this one up again after the recent death of the author. It has a lot of very interesting concepts and a Neal Stephenson-like mix of medieval and future settings. It dragged a little bit, but I liked the writing and the ideas.
  • Jakub Procházka - Spaceman of Bohemia
    I have been watching quite a few movies recently — most have been forgettable, but one that I enjoyed was Spaceman, featuring Adam Sandler in a dramatic role. When I noticed that it was based on a novel, I thought I’d give it a read. I quite liked it — it is pretty different to the movie, both in good and bad ways. I liked the Czech perspective and the magical elements.

Thinking about

  • I am injured. Surprisingly, after all this running it is not my legs that have tripped me up but my ribs — I have somehow managed to injure them (lifting my bike is my best guess). I tried to keep running as-normal for a week after I first noticed their soreness, but the soreness kept increasing. After a terrible run where I had a high heart rate for the pace and noticeably sore ribs, I visited a physio and was prescribed a week’s rest (to start with). Incidentally, it has been interesting to see my watch respond to the injury — my resting heart rate has increased and my heart rate variability has decreased notably since I first felt the soreness. Oh well, it is a good reminder to not get too attached to routine and dependent on something — and to enjoy and appreciate it while it is there.
  • It is challenging how much time and work in the area of research computation goes into aspects that are not directly related to the problem domain or to the technical implementation. Things like dependency management, documentation, continuous integration, tests, licensing, containers, linters, formatters, version control, hosting, etc. take so much effort and it sometimes makes me wonder how much of it is ‘worth it’. Unfortunately, ‘worth it’ is a tricky concept — I think anything that improves the correctness of code is worth it, but I think the worth of measures to increase the usability is less clear. Is anyone actually likely to use it beyond one specific invocation or context? It is further complicated by its chicken-and-egg nature, in that usability features are necessary but not sufficient for broad usage — and we are notoriously bad at predicting what will obtain broad usage. I am trying to gradually build up a suite of pre-made solutions to these additional requirements in the hope that they can be replicated as needed in future projects. However, the ecosystem around these aspects seems to move so fast that they can quickly become outdated.
  • Of the movies I have watched lately, I really liked After Yang (the second movie I have seen from the director Kogonada after Columbus, which I loved). I also recently re-watched the great Good Night, and Good Luck — “at least we got our facts straight, and it was brief” is an excellent aspirational quote for my research work. I really like the Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas computer games and I was interested to have a look at the TV series, but it was too violent for me. I was also keen to see the adaptation of the Three Body Problem book but didn’t enjoy what I saw of the TV series. I liked playing the adventure games Observation and What Remains of Edith Finch?. I was disappointed in Grand Theft Auto V (too violent; a bit of a theme) and Dave the Diver (too much like ‘work’).

April, 2024

Listening to

  • Grandaddy - Jukebox App
    One of my favourites from the new Grandaddy album, “Blu Wav”. It’s a great album overall with a very consistent sound and theme — very different to previous Grandaddy releases.
  • Bonnie “Prince” Billy - A Minor Place
    I have mentioned before how much I enjoyed hearing Will Oldham talk about the album from which this is from on the Life of the Record podcast, and it has been recurring in my mind. This is one of my favourite songs from the album, and a fantastic opener. It is also the name of an excellent café near my home — I have wondered if it is an intentional connection. I’m going to choose to assume that it is.
  • Tori Amos - Spark
    I’ve been listening to this song in particular a lot lately — such a good song. Incidentally, it is one of the first songs that I remember having in MP3 format and playing on my computer (in Winamp — a great music player!). There are also some great live renditions, such as this one.


  • Don DeLillo - Great Jones Street
    The next novel in my chronological read-through of Don DeLillo novels. Sadly, another one that I didn’t enjoy. Just unpleasant characters and nothing really very interesting. I’m starting to wonder about this plan of mine. I remember reading Kurt Vonnegut saying something about how when he released what was critically considered to be a bad novel, those critics also then wanted to claim that he had always been writing bad novels. Will I no longer revere Underworld and Libra? At the moment, I doubt it — indeed, I suspect that I will view them as all the more remarkable given the low quality of those coming before.
  • Herman Hesse - Demian
    A re-read of a favourite from my teenage years. The first third or so has held up very well, whereas the rest gets a bit mystical and pseudo-psychological. Incidentally, this book was the inspiration for one of my favourite bands as a teenager — The Mark of Cain (who are still going strong).
  • Carl Sagan - Contact
    It is hard to read a novel that is also a movie, even when that movie is excellent like it is in this case. But I still enjoyed reading Contact a lot — interesting ideas and quite well written.

Thinking about

  • As mentioned previously, I was fortunate to be able to see Mr. Bungle live again — 24 years after seeing them play for the first time. It was a completely different show, in which they only really played from their recent re-recording of their very early thrash-based demos and some covers (setlist). Still great though — excellent musicians and they seemed to be having such fun, very infectious. Particularly great moments were this special guest and lyrical adaptation and this reunion with past Mr. Bungle members (and now Melbourne residents). It was the first show in which I have worn earplugs; a good choice overall (particularly for the openers, The Melvins) and my ears were grateful the next morning, but it did deaden the sound a bit. Also a new venue for me in Melbourne, being my first visit to Festival Hall — which was not a particularly good venue, and reminded me a lot of the Hordern Pavillion in Sydney. It was a bit of a throwback to past concerts at the Hordern in general, with metal detectors at the entry, moshing, and crowd-surfing! Not by me, of course.
  • Following on from last month, Red Dead Redemption was a pretty good game. Probably not quite as good as I thought it would have been, given its critical reception, but still worth playing. Not really much choice during the game, some pretty grim storylines, and limited and annoying controls. It looks pretty amazing, though. I’ve recently been playing and enjoying Subnautica.
  • I’m continuing to greatly enjoy working with type annotations in Python, and appreciated the opportunity to formalise some of that enjoyment into a talk I did at work recently on “Using type hints in Python”. Maybe I should be looking more into Julia (and its type system) as another language to learn properly — even though some of its evangelism is off-putting, as is its general Matlab-iness.

March, 2024

Listening to

A TV soundtrack theme (a warning that there may be spoilers)

  • Low - Silver Rider (from Rectify)
    Rectify is a pretty special (and underrated) show, and Low is a fantastic band. This is one of the best moments in a series with lots of them, with the great characters Daniel and Tawney. It is worth listening to the whole song, too (I’ve actually mentioned this before, back when I was talking about Low by themselves). There is other good music in the show also, such as Shark Fin Blues by The Drones and We Are Fine by Sharon Van Etten — though the score became a bit too prominent in the mix for my taste in the later seasons.
  • Radiohead - Lucky (from Six Feet Under)
    Six Feet Under was a show that I regularly watched with friends on late-night TV. We were heavily into music, and Radiohead was a big part of that — seeing them in unexpected combination was great. Some other good moments from the show (each pretty overblown, as was the show’s motif) are All Apologies by Nirvana, Transatlanticism by Death Cab For Cutie, and Breathe Me by Sia (a great show finale).
  • …And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead - Source Tags & Codes (from Friday Night Lights)
    I couldn’t find a clip of this appearing in the show, but it is such a good song and really grabbed my attention at the time (I had heard of the band and a few of their songs before, but not this one). “The time” was actually when I was living in Minneapolis and training for my first marathon in Austin, Texas — given the Texas link between the band and the TV show, it became my marathon theme song.


  • Don DeLillo - Americana
    As mentioned last month, I have started working my way through the bibliography of Don DeLillo’s novels — starting with this, his first. It was different than I thought it would be, as a first novel. Denser and longer. I can’t say I enjoyed it all that much, given that the characters weren’t very pleasant to spend time with. Again, shades of great writing and precursors to topics and characters he would explore more fully later on (the advertising executive in Underworld comes to mind, in particular).
  • Don DeLillo - End Zone
    This was more like it! I really enjoyed this one. I had read it before, but liked it more this time — that I tend to get the most out of DeLillo on re-reading is something I will have to keep in mind as I proceed through his novels. Sports (particularly topical as I was reading this during the Superbowl period), nuclear weapons, interesting and memorable characters and scenes.
  • Tom DeMarco & Tim Lister - Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams
    A very interesting book about the social, commercial, managerial, and organisational aspects of technological work. Most of it rang very true with my experiences and it provided a few new things to ponder in relation to my day-to-day work.

Thinking about

  • My use of Garmin’s “suggested workouts” to set my running schedule continues to go well. I am on track to run every day in February, which is a frequency I haven’t really approached before (typically 3–5 days per week). I like running daily — it is easier to maintain a consistent routine, and I haven’t found it to be particularly difficult to recover each day. It is leading me to some of my highest weekly distance totals of my 15 years or so of regular running (about 83 km this week).
  • Although I still find it to be the best way to create publication-quality figures in Python, I think it is time that I moved on from Veusz. It always proves difficult to install and it isn’t seeing much developer activity lately. I had a bit of an explore of the other options in the Python landscape, but most of them didn’t seem to be to my tastes. I will switch over to matplotlib; I have always used it for quick interactive plotting in IPython sessions, but now I will use it for more serious figure creation. It is actually going pretty well, with some new features in the library making things easier (e.g., subfigures) — this blog post has also been very useful. This has led me to create my first Python package that has been released on PyPI: pympljstyle. This is a library that applies some appropriate matplotlib figure settings depending on the journal, the figure size, and the figure contents.
  • As a continuation of my dabbling back into computer games, I am just starting to play Red Dead Redemption. I have been looking forward to it for a while, so I hope it is as good as it sounds! It is taking me a while to get used to a console controller again.

February, 2024

Listening to

A movie soundtrack theme.

  • Hammock - This Is Not Enough (from Columbus)
    I recently saw Columbus and absolutely loved it — one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. The soundtrack by Hammock was great. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard of them actually, given that I’ve read them being described as a mix of two bands that I have mentioned here previously: Explosions In The Sky and Stars Of The Lid. I’m not sure that this specific song appears in the movie itself (it is in the trailer, at least), but it is so good, and suits the movie so well (particularly when paired with the visuals from the movie in this clip), that I had to select it. I can highly recommend the movie, particularly if you’re in the mood for a slow, dreamy, affecting, aesthetic experience. I would love to see it in a cinema.
  • Neil Young - Dead Man Theme (from Dead Man)
    This was my favourite movie for a long time. I am a big fan of Neil Young (and need to write some more about him soon), and his soundtrack for this movie was mostly atmospheric guitar work. Except for this track, which played over the credits (I love the audiovisual congruence when the electric guitar comes in) but was inexplicably left off the released soundtrack album. Great signature Neil Young-style guitar playing.
  • Peter Gabriel - A Different Drum (from The Last Temptation Of Christ)
    I haven’t seen this movie for a long time (I think it might be an underappreciated Scorsese movie, like another), but the soundtrack album (Passion) is excellent and still gets the occasional listen (it is also a good album to listen to while working, I find). Peter Gabriel is an interesting character and is someone who I feel like I should be more familiar with. I remember him being quite innovative technologically — I recall a multimedia work of his being on a CD-ROM I had that was bundled with a PC magazine in what would have been the mid to late 1990s. And his duet with Kate Bush, Don’t Give Up, is a classic with a great music video.


  • Don DeLillo - The Names
    A relatively complex work with many characters and storylines. I don’t think I fully grasped it, but I enjoyed it anyway and found it to be great in many places. It was interesting that I could identify ideas, phrasing, situations, etc. that he would repeat or explore more fully in his other works. Incidentally, I’m thinking of starting to read all of the DeLillo novels in order of publication. I’m excited by what I might find in the many novels of his that I haven’t yet read. First up will be Americana.
  • Haruki Murakami - What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
    I had read this a while ago and felt like reading it again. I don’t know — it is nice to hear a running regimen and philosophy be articulated by a writer, but overall it felt fairly slight.
  • Cory Doctorow - Red Team Blues
    After enjoying his talk on “An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Ensh*ttification” (see my entry for December 2023), I thought I’d have a read of some of his fiction work. This was a kind of a ‘techno-thriller’, which I don’t tend to enjoy too much. That trend continued here.

Thinking about

  • I really enjoyed the Life of the Record podcast on Bonnie “Prince” Billy's great I See A Darkness album. Will Oldham speaks so intelligently and interestingly on a range of topics, and it was great to learn more about the making of the album. It also reminds me about the greatness of the Will Oldham on Bonnie “Prince” Billy book by Alan Licht. Speaking of music journalism, it was sad to see the merger of Pitchfork with the GQ magazine (?). It is not a website I visit too much these days, but it was essential visiting for me in the first decade of the 2000s (back when it was pitchforkmedia.com).
  • I have been having fun writing a browser extension for work. Well, I was having fun until I tried to make it cross-platform so that it not only works with Firefox but also with Chrome-based browsers. Unfortunately, I had written it for an extension API called Manifest V2 and the Google-controlled Manifest V3 has now become required in Chrome-based browsers — but without directly transferable functionality with Firefox. It will take more work to convert it to V3, and hopefully the browsers will have settled on a convention by then. But keeping it to Firefox for now is also OK.
  • I mentioned last month how much I was enjoying looking into the Elixir programming language, but that one downside was that it didn’t support type checking. Well, it seems that it is coming to the language! It might be worth looking into more, maybe via Machine Learning in Elixir.

January, 2024

Listening to

A few songs referencing summer, for southern hemisphere topicality (though it has been a mild summer so far in Melbourne).

  • The Fiery Furnaces - Here Comes The Summer
    A pretty typical Fiery Furnaces song: off-kilter music and Eleanor’s speakey voice and clarity of enunciation. The album on which this appears (EP) also has the sort-of-summery themed Tropical Iceland.
  • Fennesz - Endless Summer
    A great hazy mix of glitchy electronica and acoustic guitar sounds evokes a great wistful summery vibe. As does the eponymous album overall — see Shisheido for another particularly good track.
  • Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes
    A good song about the summer heat. As is often the case for Animal Collective, the album that this song is from is inconsistent but pretty good (and has a neat cover). I’ll return to Animal Collective in this section soon.


  • Amor Towles - The Lincoln Highway
    This author’s “A Gentleman in Moscow” was a comforting read for me during pandemic isolation. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this one anywhere near as much. Some nice writing, if often overly precious, but a lot of changing perspectives made it a bit ponderous and it had an oddly nasty tone.
  • Jennifer Egan - The Candy House
    I didn’t like this one very much either! It was difficult to put down, but I found it hard to keep track of the characters and didn’t find the storyline all that interesting.
  • Don DeLillo - Mao II
    Mid-tier DeLillo, by my reckoning. But, being DeLillo, there is still lots of great writing in it and a few standout scenes. I don’t tend to like books where there is a writer as the protagonist — it always feels a bit self-indulgent to me.

Thinking about

  • Last year (2023) was a year of considerable change for me — all positive though, I think!
    • I started a new job, at the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform at the University of Melbourne. It’s going great.
    • I moved to a new city (Melbourne) — first living in Brunswick and, from mid-January, living in Coburg. Also great.
    • Related to the above, I purchased my first home. Mentally challenging currently, but will be good in the medium to long run.
    • I ran the most distance I have in a calendar year: 2,575 km, which is an increase of about 30% compared to last year. I set PBs in the 5 km (20:39, once in Bathurst and once in Parkville) and the half-marathon (1:38:41, at the Orange Running Festival), but had trouble with a marathon (DNF).
    • I sold my car and bought a bicycle. I’m really enjoying the cycling commute to work.
    I’m hoping that 2024 will be somewhat more of a consolidation year.
  • When I was planning to do Advent of Code in December, I was thinking of using it as a way to learn a new programming language. That got me thinking about what features I would like to be present in my ideal language. I came up with:
    • Static typing. See my recent post for how useful I find static typing to be (even in its somewhat ad-hoc form in Python).
    • Named function parameters. These seem like such a big benefit in correctness and readability for the small cost of verboseness.
    • A good REPL interface. I do a lot of my programming with a REPL open in one window (usually IPython, which is great) and an editor open in another window and alternate between the two.
    • Namespaces for imports. I like knowing where things are coming from.
    It was interesting evaluating different languages on these criteria. I think the one that comes closest is Scala — but I found it hard to understand the Scala ecosystem. My favourite with respect to documentation and overall polish was Elixir (see the really nice official docs, for example). Of course, I ended up just doing it in Python. Well, I only made it through the first four or so — seemed a bit too close to work this year.
  • I think my experiment with using Train As One as my virtual running coach is over. Although I overall liked the platform and its approach quite a lot, I found that it wasn’t really adapting very well to my running and their marathon training plan didn’t work very well for me (low peak distances). Instead, I am now trying Garmin’s “daily suggestions”. These have been great so far, and it should be able to incorporate a lot more information into its plans (given that I wear my watch constantly). I’ll see how it goes.